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Mallification (2017)

Set-up as a two-year research project by the Bureau of Cultural AnalysisMallification traces the material and digital developments of the shopping mall.

The project kicked off on 5 October 2017 at Het Nieuwe Instituut in Rotterdam with a panel talk with Mark Pimlott, Natascha Meuser and Gesina Roters. The evening was coupled with a small exhibition with work from Harun Farocki, Thomas Nolf and Jaap Bakema, that ran from 3 – 15 October 2017.

In January 2018 we published an article about Mallification on Failed Architecture, outlining some of the wider issues behind this project.

Bureau for Cultural Analysis investigates the theoretical and material ramifications of mass cultural phenomena in long-term projects. It is directed by Janno Martens, Laurens Otto & Jacques Heinrich Toussaint, and based in Amsterdam,  Brussels and Paris.